Hey devs 👋,
I am proud to present a new "A Day with Laravel" issue.
If you think of a resource that could be useful for the Laravel dev community, let me know in a comment or DM on Twitter (HappyToDev)
The objective of this newsletter?
🎯 To deliver to you daily, or almost daily*, the recent or important resources (videos, articles, GitHub repos, packages, tutorials, ...) that I could find on Laravel and its ecosystem.
This is a quick content of a few links to feed your watch on Laravel and its ecosystem daily.
* Or almost: why?
Simply because I'm the only one to manage this newsletter and "Quoi de neuf les devs? 🇫🇷" Depending on my availability and obligations, it is possible that this newsletter is not daily.
I need your support 🙏
My mission with this newsletter at 🇬🇧 and 🇫🇷 is to help you by bringing you as much value as possible, and I really like that.
If you want to support me to encourage me to keep up, please consider helping me by making a one-off or recurring donation starting at €2 by clicking on the image below or via this link.
To help me 👇
A free alternative to support me?
Of course, just subscribe below 👇
For whom?
For whom?
For Laravel devs, you guessed it.
Subscribe to not miss the next issues and receive them directly in your email box!
PS : tu préfères la version Française, clique sur le drapeau tricolore
👉 🇫🇷
💡 Redirect to an external address
LaraShout suggests this trick when you need to redirect to an external url.
📦 laravel-extended-relationships
Here's the package author's presentation @MrPunyapal
The laravel-extended-relationships package provides additional, more efficient relationship methods for Laravel Eloquent models. The package offers several useful features such as reducing the number of database queries, improving performance, and minimizing duplicate code.
I faced issue and made my own relationships then realise if I can use packages from open source then I can make one too and made this package.
Battle Ready Laravel by Ash Allen
The link below is an affiliate link, it means that if you buy this book, I will get a small commission. If you don't want to help me, just search "Battle Ready Laravel" on your favourite search engine ;-)
The ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing and improving your Laravel applications so you can build better apps faster and with more confidence.
You can try by reading a free chapter 👇
🇫🇷 🎥 Uploading files with Laravel Filepond
In this video, LaravelJutsu teaches you how to upload files with Laravel Filepond in French.
📖 Use Laravel to build a ChatGPT plugin
In this article, Benjamin Crozat explains how to create a ChatGPT plugin with Laravel.
He explains:
- How they work (this is unusual).
- Which package to use to generate the OpenAPI specification.
- How to submit the plugin to OpenAI.
The link below is an affiliate link, it means that if you buy this book, I will get a small commission. If you don't want to help me, just search "Battle Ready Laravel" on your favourite search engine ;-)
What if you entrusted your tedious #Laravel tasks to Smousss?
For example :
- making your project translatable ( __() )
- migrate from PHPUnit to PEST2
- generate missing migrations
- and more
It's all possible with Smousss and AI.
💡throw ValidationException
Newton Job shows you in this tip that Laravel lets you throw a validation exception manually anywhere, with the custom message of your choice and even redirect the user wherever you want.
This newsletter with its short format is yours, come and tell me in the comments what you think 👇
See you soon for the next issue.
If you haven't already done so, subscribe!