Hey devs 👋,
I present you "A Day with Laravel".
If you think of a resource that could be useful for the Laravel dev community, let me know in a comment or DM on Twitter (HappyToDev)
The objective of this newsletter?
🎯 To deliver to you daily, or almost daily*, the recent or important resources (videos, articles, GitHub repos, packages, tutorials, ...) that I could find on Laravel and its ecosystem.
This is a quick content of a few links to feed your watch on Laravel and its ecosystem daily.
* Or almost: why?
Simply because I'm the only one to manage this newsletter and "Quoi de neuf les devs? 🇫🇷" Depending on my availability and obligations, it is possible that this newsletter is not daily.
If you want to support me to encourage me to keep the pace, you can help me by making a one-time or recurring donation starting at 2€ by clicking on the image below or via this link
To help me 👇
For whom?
For whom?
For Laravel devs, you guessed it.
Subscribe to not miss the next issues and receive them directly in your email box!
How to List All Authorization Gates in Your Laravel Application [1/4]
This 4-part post will help you set up a Laravel command to list all the gates in your Laravel application.
Time travel for your tests
During your tests, it can be interesting to simulate time travel (past or future) to check your application's behaviour.
Well, it's natively integrated with Laravel!
Thanks to Daniel Eckermann for this tip!
Battle Ready Laravel by Ash Allen
The link below is an affiliate link, it means that if you buy this book, I will get a small commission. If you don't want to help me, just search "Battle Ready Laravel" on your favourite search engine ;-)
The ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing and improving your Laravel applications so you can build better apps faster and with more confidence.
Pest : Architecture testing
This is what Architecture Testing offers in PestPHP :
Architecture testing enables you to specify expectations that test whether your application adheres to a set of architectural rules, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable codebase. The expectations are determined by either Relative namespaces, fully qualified namespaces, or function names.
The link below is an affiliate link, it means that if you buy this book, I will get a small commission. If you don't want to help me, just search "Battle Ready Laravel" on your favourite search engine ;-)
What if you entrusted your tedious #Laravel tasks to Smousss?
For example :
- making your project translatable ( __() )
- migrate from PHPUnit to PEST2
- generate missing migrations
- and more
It's all possible with Smousss and AI.Â
The possibilities of Laravel Dusk
In this thread Pascal Baljet explains how Laravel Dusk allows you to set up very advanced e2e tests.
This newsletter with its short format is brand new to me, come tell me in the comments what you think 👇
See you soon for the next issue.
If you haven't already done so, subscribe!